Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Currently October!

We have reappeared just in time for Farley's Currently.
We love Farley- and her linky.

If you would like to link up click the pic below!

Emily's Currently is in purple.
Antoinette's Currently is in blue.

Listening: I started this Currently while talking to my dad on the phone about his recent retirement and his current need to be a busy retired person.  Love him!
My husband has strong feelings about the government shutdown and Congress. Does the political view really matter?  So he is yelling at the news.  

Loving: Volunteering at the church nursery with my hubby.  We started last weekend.  We were in the birth to 23 month old room.  There were 4 littles.  We don't have kids, so the best part for me was watching my hubby try to figure out how to play with them.  

Thinking: Grading papers... it exists.  

Wanting: beautiful weather.  The past few weeks I have felt like Goldie Locks.  Not too hot.  Not too cold.  Just right, no jacket required.  The 60-80 degree weather can stay as long as it likes!

Needing you help!
My husband and I are finishing our fertility treatment journey.  (A few more months and one more attempt.)  I am looking for some info and opinions about adoption.  So being the techie that I am, I created a google form.  

If you have gone through the adoption process or know someone who has could you please pass on my survey.  All the responses are confidential.  (Hubby and I will be the only ones to read them and no names are required.)

If you are interested click here:  Adoption form
or copy this URL 

I truly appreciate anyone who responds!

Treat: My family's fave Pinterest recipe: Twice Baked Potato Salad
Click the pic for the recipe.

I am SOOOO happy that my NCIS shows are back!  I taught a class tonight on writing workshop and luckily have DVR so I don't have to miss out.  How could you not love a show with these two in it??

I am sure I have posted about Chris O'Donnell before.  I totally heart him!!!  His eyes are so dreamy and his bad boy character is so hot!  Okay, I'll stop lol.  Just look at him. Mmm... lol

Is it summer yet...
I don't know about you all, but this year has been amazingly busy.  I have been going nonstop.  I need a break.  It could be worse though.  I am having a great year, just BUSY!!!

As I have posted about before, a friend and I are writing ELA units of study for the 5th grade teachers in my district.  Although I have learned SOO much in this process and understand Common Core so much better as a result, I AM READY FOR THEM TO BE FINISHED!!!!!!!!!  I keep plugging away at them but am ready to watch TV without multi-tasking.

Remember that I said this year has been amazingly busy??  Well I have so many different things going on that finding time to meet and work on the units is next to impossible.  So I have been working on them later in the evening, after I get home.  Yes I get to dress all comfy and watch TV while I write them... BUT I AM READY FOR THEM TO BE FINISHED!!!!!! I want some evening down time back.

Trick or Treat:
Have I got a treat for you...

 Click on the image above to go to this amazing website.  NEWSELA contains current events which are adapted from newspapers across the country.  They are adapted in that you can select a lexile which is appropriate for your grade level and student needs.  When you click on the article, you will see the image below.  When you select a lexile, the articles words change to match that level.  The content stays the same though.  It is SOOO amazing.  Unfortunately, the lowest I found was 3rd grade.  Sorry primary.
This is a sample article.  It's content is appropriate for kids to relate to.  Notice the anchor with the 4 to top, right hand side??  That shows that this article is linked to Common Core Anchor standard 4.  Isn't that so cool??  The articles update consistently.  It is AMAZING!!!!
Check it out!  It is free to sign up.


  1. Emily good luck with learning about adoption. I am sorry I can not be of any help to you. Antoinette, thank you for the Newsela link... I'm going to check it out.

    Crayons and Whimsy

  2. What a double great post. I love linking up with Farley too!
    Paula from Paula’s Place and iSURF Maths

  3. I have been extremely busy as well. Wish it would slow down, but I know that's just the way this year will be.
    Elementary Expedition

  4. Good luck with your fertility treatment and possible adoption. My husband and I are just starting to head down that road of trying to get pregnant...since I am "older" 32, I'm a bit worried that it may be difficult for us. I appreciate you sharing about your journey.

    Hunter's Teaching Tales
    Find me on Facebook
